Did you know that having an excessive water pressure at your home will make you pay?
Literally! Especially if you live in the Perth Hills. Excessive water pressure can bring damage to your plumbing, which will cost you more than it should.
But how do you know you have an excessive water pressure?
Don’t worry! In this video, we’ll run through some of the clues to look out for, explain the risks, and tell you about an easy solution to rectify this problem.
Make sure you watch to the end for some great free offers!
Wait, isn’t high water pressure is a good thing?
You may think it is, but if the water pressure is too high, it can cause expensive and annoying damage.
Did you know that the Australian standards states that water at any outlet within a building shall not exceed 500 kPa?
If your water supply is coming from up the hills, then that pressure is going to increase as it heads down towards your place.
So in many cases, we find the houses that are tapped into that water main will be supplied with water pressure well over 500 kpa.
How do you know if your house is one of them?
Here are SEVEN signs to look out for:
- Water hammer
- Noisy pipes
- Leaking taps
- Taps are splitting on the outlet
- Toilets that seem continual run
- Toilets filling for no reason
- HWS valves leaking all the time
High water pressure is great
So if you’re like most people, we kind of like having excessive water pressure as it has plenty of benefits:
- It allows you to water your lawn without having to drag a hose around
- Washing down your car is a breeze
- You can wash your dog without even getting your hands dirty. And that is a beautiful thing
- At the end of the day, when you jump in the shower, you get a back massage. And you deserve it. Especially you mums out there with kids
But unfortunately, there’s the downside
When you have an excessive water pressure, all your plumbing fixtures (taps, water pipes, flexi connectors, toilet valves) are always under excessive pressure.
You may not realise but your HWS, DW and WM hoses are also under this excessive water pressure all the time and it may void your warranties.
But worst of all, you better hope you’re home when one of your hoses burst and water starts flooding your house.
It gets bad very quickly, especially when you can’t turn the water off, because you can’t find the water meter. And when you do, it’s a faulty water meter so it won’t turn off completely because the washers are stuffed.
We’re not making this stuff up
We interviewed a client who has experienced this. This happened to Margaret on one Friday evening.
Was that a fun experience?
Margaret: “Definitely not.”
How long did it take after your house was flooded to get it back to normal again?
M: “By the time they’d finished everything and the claim was finished, it was about five weeks.”
I know you were insured and they picked up most of the tab, but looking back now, how much would you have paid a plumber so that this never happened?
M: “I’d have quite happily handed out a thousand or more for it not to ever have happened.”
How we can help
It will cost nowhere near what Margaret was willing to pay to have us come out to test your water pressure install a Pressure Limiting Valve on your house, so the pressure cannot exceed past 500 kPa.
We also offer a Plumbing Health Check, where we go over all your plumbing looking for signs of wear.
We will find your water meter, test it to see if it does shut off completely in case of an emergency situation. And if it doesn’t, we will call the water authority then and there and arrange for them to come out and fix it. Free of charge.
And one of the best ideas that we have ever come up with is our Emergency Location Plan, specially designed for your house.
So when you have a plumbing emergency, you or anyone in your house will have a plan that clearly states which way to run, what to look for, and what to do to avert disaster.
So you think your house may be suffering from excessive water pressure…
And you live in of near the Shire of Kalamunda, give us a call. We will be happy to help.
And if you mention that you have seen this video, we may even throw in our Plumbing Health Check and design an emergency valve location plan for your house for a huge discount. It might even be FREE.
We have tested and installed Pressure Limiting Valves because of excessive pressure on several streets in Gooseberry Hill, Kalamunda, Maida Vale, Lesmurdie and Piesse Brook.
These are the streets we have rectified excessive water pressure on. So if you live on or near these streets, you may be supplied from the same water main.
- Carmel: Carmel Road East, Union Road
- Gooseberry Hill: Hobbs Road, Sundew Road, Gooseberry Hill Road, Lenori Road and Lascelles Parade
- Kalamunda: Simeon Close, Taylor Road and Temby Avenue
- Lesmurdie: Kimbarlee Way and Falls Road
- Maida Vale: Yirrdah Court, Priory Road, Kathleen Close, Acacia Road, Kunzea Close, Kaoriki Court, Baza Gardens, Matuka Mews and Acacia Road
- Piesse Brook: Hummerston Road
- Pickering Brook: Pickering Brook Road
- Roleystone: Heritage Drive